Freitag, 14. November 2014

He who honors a dissident is not from us

بسم الله الواحد القهار

Sheikh As-Saduq:

He who honors a dissident is not from us:

Mohammed Ibn al-Hasan Ibn al-Walid related to us from Mohammed Ibn al-Hasan as-Saffar from Mohammad Ibn Isa Ibn Ubayd from Ibn Faddhal that Imam ar-Ridha (عليه السلام) said:
As for anyone who builds relations with somebody who disregards us, disregards somebody who builds good relations with us, praises somebody who reviles at us, or honors somebody who dissents from us, he is surely not one of us and we are surely not from him.

The loyalty to the enemies of Allah:

Mohammed Ibn Musa Ibn al-Mutawakkil narrated to us from Ali Ibn al-Hussein as-Sa’dabadi from Ahmad Ibn Mohammad Ibn Khalid from Ibn Faddhal that Imam ar-Ridha (عليه السلام) said:
He who follows the enemies of Allah will certainly antagonize the disciples of Allah, and whoever antagonizes the disciples of Allah will antagonize Allah Who will incumbently put him in the fire of Hell.

Source: Sifaat Ash-Shia, Pg. 136-137, H-No:10,11

Grading: Sahih(authentic)

Check Rijaal section for the following narrator numbers:

Hadith # 10:

- 1608
- 1621
- 1752
- 503

Hadith # 11:

- 1794
- 1232
- 121

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