Samstag, 18. April 2015

Umar in the Day of Judgement

بسم الله الواحد القهار

Sheikh As-Saduq:

Narrated my father(رحمه الله ) from Sa'd Ibn Abdullah from Ahmad Ibn Mohammad from Al-Hasan Ibn Ali Al-Wash'sha from Ahmad Ibn Hahiz from Abi Khadija from Abi Abdullah(عليه السلام) that he said: 
"In the Day of Judgement Shaytan will be brought with the one who misled this Ummah(i.e. Umar) chained by two tethers by the thickness of the mountain of Uhud and they will be pulled by their faces on the ground and one the doors of Hell will get closed by them."

Footnote: its chain is Sahih(authentic), its narrators are trustworthy, of the great, significant scholars. 

Source: Iqaab Al-A'maal, Vol. 2 Pg. 20

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