Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2015

The Sunnah of Head-Bloodletting

بسم الله الواحد القهار

Allamah Al-Majlisi:

Ma'ani Al-Akhbar: (Saduq) from his father from Sa'd Ibn Abdullah from Ahmad Ibn Abi Abdullah in Marfu' manner from Abi Abdullah Ja'far Ibn Mohammad(عليه السلام) from his father(عليه السلام) who said: "the Prophet(صلی الله وعليه وآله) performed bloodletting on three places of his body: on his head, between his shoulders and on his back, he named the first one 'Al-Nafi'a', the other one 'Al-Mughitha' and the third one 'Al-Munqidha'".

And in the same book with the same chain from Ahmad Ibn Abi Abdullah from Al-Hasan Ibn Ali from Ahmad Ibn Aahiz from Abi Salama and he is Abu Khadija and his name is Salim Ibn Mukrim from Abi Abdullah(عليه السلام) who said: "bloodletting on the head is one span above the nose and with the distance like between the two eyebrows and the Messenger of Allah(صلی الله وعليه وآله) used to call it Al-Munqidha." and in another narration he said: "the Messenger of Allah(صلی الله وعليه وآله) performed bloodletting on his head and called it Al-Mughitha or Al-Munqidha."

Explanation: the merits and benefits of bloodletting on the head have been narrated both in the narrations of the Shia and their opponents and some of the physicians say that bloodletting in the middle of the head is extremely beneficial and it has been narrated that the Prophet(صلی الله وعليه وآله) did it.

Source: Bihaar Al-Anwaar, Vol. 62 Pg. 113

Grading: Its chain is Sahih(authentic).

Check the narrators in the Rijaal section: 

1231: Ali Ibn Al-Husain Ibn Musa Ibn Babawaih(father of Sheikh As-Saduq)
809: Sa'd Ibn Abdullah Ibn Abi Khalaf
121: Ahmad Ibn Mohammad Ibn Khalid Al-Barqi
501: Al-Hasan Ibn Ali Ibn Ziyaad, Al-Wash'sha, Al-Khazzaz, he is also called Ibn Bint Ilyaas
95: Ahmad Ibn Aahiz Al-Hamsi
796: Salim Ibn Mukrim Al-Jammaal, Abu Khadija

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