بسم الله الواحد القهار
One of the controversial issues that has been narrated in the Shia
narrations is the fact that when Imam Al-Mahdi(عليه السلام) reappears, among the first things he does
after arriving in Madina, is to take out the corpses of Abu Bakr and Umar out
of their graves, fresh and un-decayed. Then he will make them to confess for
their crimes against the Family of the Messenger of Allah(صلی
الله و عليه وآله وسلم), after
that he(عليه السلام) will hang them from a
dry tree and as a final test for their lovers, Allah will make that tree to put
forth leaves and turn green. Upon which those who have a disease in their
hearts will doubt and be inclined towards them even more than before. By doing
this Allah wants to clean the Earth from their lovers, so Imam(عليه
السلام) will separate them from the rest of the people and will kill those lovers of Abu Bakr and Umar and
burn the corpses of Abu Bakr and Umar and then Allah will send a wind to
disperse their ashes.
The core reason behind this in these narrations is the fact that Abu
Bakr and Umar attacked the house of Fatimah(سلام الله عليها) which led to miscarriage of her son,
Mohsin or Al-Muhassin(عليه السلام) as a result of which she was killed too. And
as mentioned the other reason is to distinguish between righteous believers and
those who have a disease in their hearts.
However some laymen of the Shia have tried to cast doubt on this issue,
by just picking one or two narrations and analysis of some of their weak
narrators, and then concluding that these narrations are fabricated. In this
article I want to use a more scholarly method of putting forward all of those
narrations that I found in this regard and see if this is an established fact
in our narrations or just a fabricated tale.
First of all it is essential to mention that Raj‘ah is an accepted belief among Shia, about which there
is no doubt. Raj’ah refers in particular in the context of End Times to a period
of time, in which human beings of the previews generations will return to the
world again. The verses of Qur’an and our authentic narrations show that it
will not be for all people, but only for certain people of the past from among pure
believers and pure disbelievers/hypocrites. Taking this into consideration the
first names that come to mind about pure disbelievers are Abu Bakr and Umar,
since they are the ones who are responsible for the usurpation of the divine
authority from Ahlulbayt(عليه السلام) and
oppressing them and killing them and misleading the entire Ummah. Given this
fact there remains no doubt that Abu Bakr and Umar should be among the first
ones who will be returned, even if we had no other specific narrations about
it. But since we have many narrations naming them specifically among the first
ones who will be returned, there remains no excuse to dismiss and reject those
narrations. Even if those narrations individually might not have completely
authentic chains.
But before showing those narrations, let us see some of the authentic
narrations that explain the Raj’ah and who will be returned in it.
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Sayyed Hashim Al-Bahrani:
Ali Ibn Ibraheem: narrated my father from Mohammad Ibn Abi Umayr from Al-Mufaddal that Imam Ja’far Sadiq
(عليه السلام) said regarding the words of the Almighty Allah:
نَحْشُرُ مِن كُلِّ أُمَّةٍ فَوْجًا
on the day when We will gather from every nation a party…”[27:83]
Every believer who had been slain will be revived and
sent to the world again and then die after completing his tenure on the earth.
Also Rajat will be for only those who are pure believers and pure infidels.
Imam Ja’far Sadiq (عليه السلام) said: A man asked Ammar bin
Yasir, “O Aba Yaqzaan, there is a verse in the book of Allah that has destroyed
my heart and has put me into doubt. Ammar said: “Which verse is that?” That man
said: “It is when the Almighty Allah says:
وَقَعَ الْقَوْلُ عَلَيْهِمْ أَخْرَجْنَا لَهُمْ دَابَّةً مِّنَ الْأَرْضِ
تُكَلِّمُهُمْ أَنَّ النَّاسَ كَانُوا بِآيَاتِنَا لَا يُوقِنُونَ
when the word shall come to pass against them, We shall bring forth for them a
creature from the earth(Daabbatul Ardh) that shall talk to them, because people did
not believe in Our communications.” [27:82]
“What Daabba is it?” Ammar said: “I swear by Allah, I will not sit,
eat or drink anything till I show it to you.”
Then taking that man with him he went to Amirul
Momineen (عليه السلام). His Eminence was partaking
dates and butter. He said to Ammar: “Come forward, O Aba Yaqzaan!” Ammar sat
down and began to share in the eatables. That man was surprised and when Ammar
arose, he exclaimed: Glory be to God!
O Aba Yaqzaan! You had vowed that you would not eat,
drink or sleep till you showed me that (Daabbatul Ardh)! Ammar said: “If you ponder upon it, you would
understand that I have already shown him to you.”
Source: Tafsir Al-Burhan, Vol. 6 Pg. 37
Sheikh Hurr Al-Ameli:
Ali Ibn Ibraheem narrates in his Tafsir from his father from Ibn Abi
Umayr from Al-Mufaddal from Abi Abdullah(عليه السلام) who said regarding the words of the Almighty Allah:
وَيَوْمَ نَحْشُرُ مِن كُلِّ أُمَّةٍ فَوْجًا
on the day when We will gather from every nation a party…”[27:83]
السلام) said: Every believer who had been slain
will be revived and sent to the world again and then die after completing his
tenure on the Earth. Also Raj’at will be for only those who are pure believers
and pure infidels.
I say: the likes of this narration are too many, that
some of them are mentioned before, and it is clear that this refers to the Raj’ah
of them(عليهم
السلام) at the first place, which are also mentioned in many
other explicit narrations.
Source: Iqaadh Min Al-Hajma Bil Burhan Alar Raj’ah, Pg. 343
Allamah Al-Majlisi:
It is narrated in Basahir Al-Darajaat of
Sa’d Ibn Abdullah through a Sahih (authentic) chain from Abi Abdullah(عليه السلام) that he said:
“The first for whom the grave will split open and who
would come back to the world in Raj'at, will be Al-Husain Ibn Ali (عليه السلام) and Raj'at will not be for all people, it is only for
particular people, only pure believers and absolute polytheists will have
Source: Mir’atul Uqool, Vol. 3 Pg. 201
In my research I came across several narrations through at least five Imams of
the Ahlulbayt(عليم السلام). I will begin with the narrations through Amiral-Muminin and
then Imam Al-Baqir, Imam Al-Sadiq, Imam Al-Jawaad and finally Imam Al-Mahdi himself(عليهم
السلام). The following chart shows the chains of the narrators of these narrations. As you can see these narrations have been narrated through five Imams of Ahlulbayt(عليهم السلام) with more than twelve different chains, which involves a total of more than 50 narrators until they were recorded in our famous hadith-collections.
Amiral-Muminin(عليه السلام):
At-Tabari Al-Imami:
And from him from his father from Abu Ali Mohammad Ibn Humam from Ahmad
Ibn Ali Al-Qasiri from Mohammad Ibn Husain Ibn Abil Khattab from Al-Hasan Ibn
Maboub from Malik Ibn Atiyya from Abi Hamza As-Thumali from Abi Is’haq
Al-Sabi’i or someone else from Al-Harith Al-A’war from Abil Tufayl Amer Ibn
Wathila who said: I met Amiral-Muminin(عليه
السلام) in one of the passages of
Madina, he was walking alone, I saluted him and followed him until we reached
the house of the Second(i.e. Umar), he asked for permission to enter, Umar gave
him permission, so he entered and I entered with him, he saluted the
Second(i.e. Umar) and in that time Umar was Caliph, then he(عليه
السلام) sat, when he settled on the
ground, he said to Umar: “who has taught you this ignorance? O arrogant! By
Allah if you become a beggar and wear disheveled cloths, it would be better for you than this position which you
possess, and better than your climbing the pulpits, by Allah, it is as if I am
seeing you asking for forgiveness as your companion(Abu Bakr) asked me for forgiveness.“
Umar said: my companion has not asked you for forgiveness. He(عليه
السلام) said: „surely you know that
your friend asked me for forgiveness and you will do the same. By Allah, it is
as if I am seeing you and your friend while you are taken out of your graves,
fresh and un-decayed, then hanged in Baidaa.“ Then Umar said: what is this
fortune-telling?! Quraish has never failed to recognize you group of Bani Abdul
Muttalib as liars. By Allah, I have tasted its sweetness and I am obeyed, then
he said: and you know that I won’t ask for forgiveness. Then he said: who will
do that to us what you said? Imam(عليه السلام) said: a manly of my progeny, from a group
for whom Allah has taken covenant. Umar said: O Abal Hasan I know that what you
say is not but truth, so I ask you by Allah to tell me whether the Messenger of
Allah(صلی الله و عليه وآله وسلم) really named me and my friend? Imam(عليه السلام) said to him: “by Allah, the Messenger of
Allah(صلی الله و عليه وآله وسلم) named you and your friend.” Umar then said: by Allah, if I
knew that you came here for this, I would have not given you the permission to
enter. Then Imam(عليه السلام) stood up and went out. Then he told me: “O Abal Tufayl, keep
this a secret.” Abil Tufayl then said: By Allah, no one knows about what
happened between those two, until the Second(i.e. Umar) was killed and
Amiral-Muminin(عليه السلام) was killed.
Source: Dalael Al-Imamamah, Pg. 253-254
Sayyed Hashim Al-Bahrani:
Narrated Al-Daylami Al-Hasan Ibn Abil Hasan, may Allah have mercy on
him, and Al-Khusaybi through his chain from Ahmad Ibn Al-Khatib from Abil
Muttalib Ja’far Ibn Mohammad Ibn Al-Fudhayl from Mohammad Ibn Sinan Al-Zahiri
from Abdullah Ibn Abdul-Rahman Al-Asam from Mudlij from Harun Ibn Sa’eed (from
Abil Tufayl) who said: I heard Amiral-Muminin(عليه السلام) saying to Umar Ibn Al-Khattab: who has
taught you this ignorance? O arrogant! By Allah, if you had paid attention to
what the Messenger of Allah(صلی الله و عليه وآله
وسلم) ordered you, or if you was
clever in your religion, you would have chosen the poverty and worn disheveled cloths, and would have not liked people to stand in
front of you in obedience, and you would have not oppressed the progeny of the
Prophet(صلی الله و عليه وآله وسلم) in indecent manner. It is as if I am seeing you killed in this
world by a slave, owner of a long life, you will oppress him with tyranny and
he will kill you successfully. by Allah, he will enter into Paradise for that in
spite of your desire about him. By Allah, if you had tried to listen to the
Messenger of Allah(صلی الله و عليه وآله وسلم) and obeyed him, you would have not put your sword on your neck
and you would have not preached over the pulpits. It is as if I am seeing you
when you are called and you will answer and your name will be called out but
you refrain, as if I am seeing you that your secrets are revealed and your
friend has been hanged, who made you in charge and you succeeded him. Then
Umar said to him: O Abal Hasan, are you not ashamed of yourself with this
fortune-telling? Then Amiral-Muminin(عليه السلام) said to him: I haven’t told you other
than what I heard from the Messenger of Allah(صلی الله و عليه وآله
وسلم) and I haven’t spoken except
what I know. He said: so when will this be O Amiral-Muminin(عليه
السلام) ? he (عليه
السلام) said: when your corpses are
brought out from beside the Messenger of Allah(صلی الله و عليه وآله
وسلم), out of your graves in which
you were not buried, because you were brought to the well of Fire. So in order
for the people of doubt to be tested, you both will be has from then branchesan of a dry tree, then that tree will suddenly put forth new leaves and
will become fresh and green, so that will be a sign for those who love you and
were happy with your actions, in order for Allah to distinguish between the
filthy and righteous people. It is as if I am looking at you while people are
asking their God to save them from what happened to you. Umar asked: who will
do that O Abal Hasan? He(عليه السلام) said: a group of people who have
differentiated between the swords and their sheaths and Allah has been pleased
to help his religion with, and shall not fear the censure of any censurer for
the sake of Allah. It is as if I am looking at you while you are brought out of
your graves, fresh and un-decayed, then you will be hanged from a tree and
that will be a test for those who love you, then a fire will be brought that
was brought for Ibraheem, Yahya, Jurjis, Danial and every truthful and believer
and a firewood will be brought that you blazed on my door to burn Fatimah(سلام
الله عليها) , daughter
of the Messenger of Allah(صلی الله و عليه وآله وسلم) and my two sons, Al-Hasan and Al-Husain
and my two daughters, Zaynab and Umm Kulthum(عليهم السلام), to burn them with that fire. Then Allah
will suddenly send a wind towards you to blow your ashes away to the place
where Allah Almighty says about: “and they shall be seized upon from a near
place” [34:51]. which means from below their feet. He said: O Abal Hasan, you are separating us from the Messenger
of Allah(صلی الله و عليه وآله وسلم) ? He(عليه السلام) said: yes. He said: O Abal Hasan, have
you really heard this? Is it true? Abal Tufayl said: Amiral-Muminin(عليه
السلام) swore that he has heard it
from the Prophet (صلی الله و عليه وآله وسلم). Then Umar cried and said: I seek refuge with Allah from what
you said, do you have a sign for it? He(عليه السلام) said: yes, terrible killings, death of
children, awful pest, there will not survive from the people in that time
except one third of them and a caller will call from the sky the name of a man
from my progeny and numerous signs will appear, to an extent that the alive
wish to die because of what they see, so whoever dies, has been freed from that
situation. For those who are good in the eyes of Allah, he will let them to
survive, until a man of my progeny fills the Earth with justice and equality,
as it is filled with oppression and tyranny. Allah will bring back for him the
remaining of the people of Musa and Yahya, the people of the cave and He will
support him with angels and Jinn and our devoted Shia and will make the sky to
rain, to let the Earth to grow plants. Umar said to him: you do not swear
except for truth, so neither you nor your progeny will taste the sweetness of
Caliphate. Amiral-Muminin(عليه السلام)
said to him: you will not stop enmity towards me and my progeny. When
the death of Umar was near, he sent someone to call Amiral-Muminin(عليه
السلام) and said to him: O Abal
Hasan, you should know that these companions of mine forgave me in what I was
in charge over them, I ask you too to forgive me. Amiral-Muminin(عليه
السلام) said: do you think that if I
forgive you, those who passed away will forgive you too? The Messenger of
Allah(صلی الله و عليه وآله وسلم) and his daughter(سلام الله عليها)?, then he left the house saying:
وَأَسَرُّواْ النَّدَامَةَ لَمَّا رَأَوُاْ الْعَذَابَ
“and they will manifest regret when they see the chastisement.” [10:54]
Source: Madinatul Ma’aajiz, Vol. 1, Pg. 366-367
Imam Al-Baqir(عليه السلام):
At-Tabari Al-Imami:
Through this chain from Abi Abdullah Ja’far Ibn Mohammad from Mohammad Ibn Humran Al-Mada’ini from Ali Ibn Isbaat from Al-Hasan Ibn Bashir from Abil Jaroud from Abi Ja’far, he said: I asked him: when will your Qaem(عليه السلام) rise? He said: O Abal Jaroud you will not witness that time. I said: how about the people of his time? He said; you will not witness the people of his time too. Our Qaem(عليه السلام) rises to establish the truth after disappointment of the Shia, he will call people thrice, but no one will answer him. In the fourth day he will cling to the curtain of the Ka’ba and say: O Lord! Help me, so his call will not be void. Then Allah Almighty will say to the angels who helped the Messenger of Allah(صلی الله و عليه وآله وسلم) in the day of Badr, they have not taken away their saddles and have not put down their weapons, they will pledge allegiance to him, then 313 men will pledge allegiance to him. He will go to Madina, those people will go with him so that Allah Almighty might become satisfied. Then he will kill 1500 Qurashi, all of them are born from Zinah. Then he will enter in the mosque and demolish the wall and level it to the ground. Then he will take out Al-Zarq and Zariq(i.e. Abu Bakr and Umar), may Allah curse both, their corpses, fresh and un-decayed, he will talk to them and they will answer him. Then people of doubt will be confused and say that he talks with the dead, so he(عليه السلام) will kill 500 of those people of doubt in the middle of the mosque. Then he will burn the two with the same firewood that they had gathered to burn Ali, Fatimah, Al-Hasan and Al-Husain(عليهم السلام), that firewood is with us, we inherit it from each other. Then he will demolish the palace of Madina and will set out towards Kufa, then from that city 16000 people of Batriyya will confront him, armed with weapons, reciters of Qur’an, Fuqaha of religion, their foreheads have sign of prostration, their faces are yellow due to fasting, but their aim is hypocrisy, all of them will say: O son of Fatimah(سلام الله عليها) go back, we do not need you, so he will confront them with sword in the back of Kufa, on Monday from noon to evening he will kill them faster than slaughtering the camels. So no one from them will remain and from the companions of Imam(عليه السلام) no one will get harmed. Their blood is a sacrifice for Allah. Then he will enter Al-Kufa and with fight with its fighter so that Allah is pleased. He said: I didn’t understand the meaning, so I thought for a moment and then said: may I be your ransom, how does he know when Allah Almighty is pleased? He said: O Abal Jaroud, Allah revealed to the mother of Musa he is better than the mother of Musa and Allah revealed to the Ant, he is better than Ant, then I understood the meaning. Then he said to me: did you understand? I said: yes. then he said: Al-Qaem(عليه السلام) will rule for 309 years like the Companions of the Cave in their cave, he will fill the Earth with justice and equality, as it will be filled with tyranny and oppression and Allah will give him victory upon the East and the West, until there will not remain except the religion of Mohammad, he will rule with the rule of Sulayman Ibn Dawood, he will call upon the sun and the moon and they will answer him, he you cross the Earth very fast and Allah will reveal to him and he will act upon the commands of Allah.
Source: Dalael Al-Imamamah, Pg. 238-239
Imam Al-Sadiq(عليه السلام):
Sheikh Hasan Ibn Sulayman Al-Hilli:
Narrated to me the righteous brother
Al-Rashid Mohammad Ibn Ibraheem Ibn Mohsin Al-Mattaar Abadi narrating from the
handwriting of his father the righteous Ibraheem Ibn Mohsin the following
narration and he showed me his handwriting and what he had copied from it, it
says: Husain Ibn Hamadan from
Muhammad Ibn Ismail and Ali Ibn Abdullah
Hasani from Abi Shuaib Muhammad Ibn Nusair from Umar Ibn Furat from Mufaddal Ibn
Umar that he said:
Once I asked my master, Imam Ja’far
Sadiq (a.s.):
“Is any time fixed for the reappearance of the awaited
Mahdi (a.s.) that can be declared?”
He said: “By Allah, there is no such fixed time that
can be told to our Shia.”
He replied: After that he will proceed to Medina and
camp there and the believers will experience a strange joy and the infidels
will be sorrowful in a strange way.
Mufaddal said: My master, what will be the cause of
that joy and sorrow?
Imam said: He will come to the grave of the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and call out: O people, is this the grave of my grandfather?
People would reply: O Mahdi of Aale Muhammad (a.s.), yes, this is the tomb of
your grandfather. He would ask: Who are buried with him? They will say: Two of
his companions.
Although he would be knowing them better than anyone
else. Yet people would pay attention to what he is saying. He would ask: Who
are they and how did only these two from all the people were buried with my
Perhaps others are also buried here. People would say:
O Mahdi of the progeny of Aale Muhammad (a.s.), no one other than these two are
buried here, because they were caliphs and fathers-in-law of the Prophet. Imam Mahdi
(a.s.) would repeat this question thrice and then order them to be taken out
from their graves. When they remove the two corpses, they would come out fresh
and un-decayed.
Then Imam Mahdi (a.s.) would ask: Does anyone of you
recognize them?
People would reply: Yes, we recognize them through
their qualities, they were companions of your grandfather. He would ask: Is
there anyone among you having another opinion or having any doubt in it? People
would say: No.
Then Imam Mahdi (a.s.) would delay their removal for
three days and this news would spread among the people.
After that Mahdi will come to their graves and order
his men: Open their graves and search for them. They would put their hands
inside the grave and pull them out as fresh as they were three days ago. Then
he will order them to be hanged from a dried up tree; but as soon as they are hang the corpses on it, it would become green and put forth leaves.
Seeing this their followers would remark: This is the
true dignity which they possessed and we would also benefit by our devotion to
them, anyone who has even a little devotion to them should come and witness
this spectacle.
Meanwhile the caller of the Imam would call out: All
those who are devoted to the two companions of the Prophet, should move to one
People would divide into two groups: a group friendly
to them and a group inimical to them. Imam Mahdi (a.s.) would ask the group
friendly to them to recant their loyalty. They would say: O Mahdi of the
progeny of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.), since at that time we were not
aware of your status and the position that the Almighty Allah has given you, we
did not become aloof from them. Should we become aloof from them now inspite of
seeing their bodies so fresh and how the leafless tree became green due to them?
By Allah we seek aloofness from you and those who have
faith in you and from those who don’t bring faith on them, and those who have hanged them on the tree and dug them out of the grave and dealt with them in this
Thus Mahdi (a.s.) will order the black wind to blow on
them and they will fall dead like dry date palms.
Then Imam Mahdi (a.s.) would order them to be brought
down and they would become alive by the command of Allah and all the people
would be ordered to gather there. Then he would mention all the crimes in every
period of time and attribute them to those two, beginning with the killing of
Habil, son of Adam (a.s.), then stoking of the fire for Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.),
throwing of Prophet Yusuf (a.s.) into the well, captivity of Prophet Yunus (a.s.)
in the belly of the whale, killing of Prophet Yahya, persecution of Isa (a.s.),
torture of Prophets Jirjees and Daniyal (a.s.), beating of Salman Farsi, arson of the house of Amirul Momineen, Lady Fatima,
Hasan and Husain (a.s.), lashing the side of Lady Fatima (s.a.), miscarriage of
Mohsin, poisoning of Imam Hasan (a.s.), killing of Imam Husain (a.s.) and his children,
cousins and friends and taking prisoners of the descendants of the Prophet and
shedding of the blood of Aale Muhammad (a.s.), and every blood that is shed
unrightfully and every lady who is molested, and every fraud and evil act, and
sin and oppression which is committed by human beings from the time of Adam (a.s.) till the occasion of the
reappearance of Imam Qaim (a.s.), he would make the two of them responsible to
all of them and they would also confess being responsible for them.
Then he would announce that however has suffered any
injustice at their hand should take retaliation from them and they will do
that. Then he would have them hanged from the tree again and then issue a command
by which a fire would emerge from the ground and burn them along with the tree
on which they are impaled. After that he would order the wind to blow their
ashes to the seas.
Mufaddal asked: Master, is it the last chastisement
they would suffer?
The Imam replied: No, no, O Mufaddal, by Allah,
tomorrow on Judgment Day every believer and infidel would be present on the
mass gathering and also the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.), Amirul Momineen (a.s.),
Lady Fatima (s.a.), Imam Hasan and Imam Husain (a.s.), and the Holy Imams
(a.s.) and all would take retaliation from those two. So much so that they
would killed a thousand times everyday and every time revived by the command of
Allah so that they may be punished again.”
Source: Mukhtasar Al-Basahir Al-Darajaat, Pg. 515-533
Allamah Al-Majlisi:
of Mufaddal Ibn Umar from Al-Sadiq(a.s)
about the reappearance of Al-Qaem(a.s) and return of A’immah:
Hasan Ibn Sulayman narrates in Muntakhab Al-Basahir through reliable chain and
others from Mufaddal Ibn Umar from
Al-Sadiq(a.s) in a long narration about the reappearance of Al-Qaem(a.s) and
its signs, in which Mufaddal asks: how and when will he(a.s) reappear? …
Haqqul Yaqeen, Pg. 319
Sheikh As-Saduq narrates through a complete different chain in another context from Mufaddal Ibn Umar about this issue:
Sheikh As-Saduq:
2 - Narrated to us Muhammad bin Ibrahim bin Ishaq (r.a.): Narrated to us
Muhammad bin Hamam: Narrated to us Ahmad bin Mabundaz: Narrated to us Ahmad bin
Hilal from Muhammad bin Abi Umair from Mufaddal Ibne Umar from as-Sadiq Ja’far
bin Muhammad from his father from his ancestors (a.s.) from Amirul Momineen
(a.s.) that he said: The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) said:
“When I was taken to the heavens during the ascension (Me’raj) my
Lord revealed to me: O Muhammad, I glanced at the earth and selected you from
it, and made you the prophet and named you after My name as I am Mahmood and you
are Muhammad. Again I glanced at the earth and chose Ali from it and made him
your successor and caliph and the husband of your daughter. I named him also
after My name. Thus I am the Ali Aala and he is Ali. And I created
Fatima, Hasan and Husain from your Noor (light/effulgence). At that time
I presented their Wilayat (Mastership) to the angels so that whoever may
accept it, will gain proximity to My court. O Muhammad, if a servant of Mine
worships so much that he becomes tired and his body becomes as brittle as musk
but he is a denier in their Wilayat, and he comes to Me, I will not
accommodate him in My Paradise and not shade him under My Arsh. O
Muhammad, would you like to see them? I said: ‘Yes, my Lord!’ The Almighty Allah said: ‘Raise your head.’
So I raised my head and saw the lights of Ali, Fatima, Hasan, Husain, Ali bin
al-Husain, Muhammad bin Ali, Ja’far bin Muhammad, Musa bin Ja’far, Ali bin Musa,
Muhammad bin Ali, Ali bin Muhammad, Hasan bin Ali and Muhammad bin al-Hasan
al-Qaim. And among them one shone like a brilliant star. I asked: ‘O Lord, who
is that?’ He replied, ‘They are the Imams, and he is the Qaim, who will make My
lawful, lawful and My unlawful, unlawful. And through him I shall take revenge
from My enemies. And he is the source of comfort for My friends.
He is the one who will bestow your Shias and followers, respite from the
infidels. And he will bring out Laat and Uzza(i.e. Abu Bakr and Umar) fresh and
burn them up. Indeed the trial and test of the people by him will be much more
difficult than the mischief of the Calf and Samari.’”
Source: Kamaluddin, Pg. 240-241
Allamah Al-Majlisi:
Source: Bihaar Al-Anwaar, Vol. 52 Pg. 386
Source: Dalael Al-Imamamah, Pg. 207
This same narration has been narrated by Al-Masoudi,
the famous scholar who was contemporary to Sheikh Al-Kulayni, in his book
Ithbatul Wasiyya. Ali Ibn Al-Husain Al-Masoudi passed away about a hundred
years before At-Tabari the author of Dalael Al-Imamah, and he does not mention
his chain up to Zakariyya Ibn Adam, which tells us that this narration has been
famous among scholars back then and it is another supportive evidence for the above
chain of At-Tabari.
200- It is narrated through his chains(i.e. Ali Ibn Abdul-Hamid in his book of
Al-Ghayba) from Bashir Nubbal from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) that he
“Do you know from where Imam Qaim (a.s.) would begin
his mission?
I (the narrator) said: No, O son of Allah’s Messenger.
He said: First of all he would remove bodies of the two(i.e. Abu Bakr and Umar) fresh from their graves and burn them up. Then he would blow their ashes to
the wind. After that he would demolish the Masjid. Then he said: The Messenger
of Allah (s.a.w.s.) said: An awning like that of Prophet Musa (a.s.).
Then he said: There was a mud platform in the Masjid
of the Prophet on one side of which was a trunk of a dried up date tree.”
201- It is narrated through his chains from Ishaq bin Ammar from Imam Ja’far Sadiq
(a.s.) that he said:
“When the Qaim
comes forward to demolish the surrounding walls of the room which contains the
grave of the Prophet, the Almighty Allah would send a severe storm and
lightning and thunder. All would say that it is because of it. Thus even his
supporters would withdraw and he would be left all alone.
So he would pick up the pickaxe and start the
demolition and would be the first to strike the pickaxe. Gradually his men will
return. That day whoever does the most work would become eligible for the most
rewards. Thus the surrounding walls would be razed. Then he will dig out the two(i.e. Abu Bakr and Umar) fresh, he will curse them and disassociate himself from them and hang them and then bring them down and burn them up and scatter their ashes in the winds.”
Source: Bihaar Al-Anwaar, Vol. 52 Pg. 386
Imam Al-Jawaad(عليه السلام):
At-Tabari Al-Imami:
Narrated to me Abul Hassan Mohammad Ibn Harun Ibn Musa from his father from Abu Ja'far Mohammad Ibn Al-Walid from Mohammad Ibn Abi Abdullah Al-Barqi from Zakariyya Ibn Adam who said: I was in the presence of Imam Al-Ridha (عليه السلام) that Abi Ja'far Imam Al-Jawad (عليه السلام) came and he was younger than four years old, he hit his hand on the ground and raised his head towards the sky, thinking, then Al-Ridha (عليه السلام) said to him: "May I be your ransom, why you thought for so long?" He (عليه السلام) replied: "I was thinking about what was done to my mother Fatimah (عليها السلام). By Allah! I will take both of them out (i.e. Aboo Bakr and Umar) and I will burn them and then I will disperse them and will leave their ashes to the wind." Imam Al-Ridha (عليه السلام) called him to himself and kissed his forehead and said: "May my father and mother be your ransom" and then said: "You are the one for it" i.e. being the next Imam.
Source: Dalael Al-Imamamah, Pg. 207
This same narration has been narrated by Al-Masoudi,
the famous scholar who was contemporary to Sheikh Al-Kulayni, in his book
Ithbatul Wasiyya. Ali Ibn Al-Husain Al-Masoudi passed away about a hundred
years before At-Tabari the author of Dalael Al-Imamah, and he does not mention
his chain up to Zakariyya Ibn Adam, which tells us that this narration has been
famous among scholars back then and it is another supportive evidence for the above
chain of At-Tabari.
It has been narrated that he(i.e. Imam Al-Jawaad عليه السلام) used to
talk while he was still in a minor age, and it has been narrated from Zakariyya
Ibn Adam who said: I was in the presence of
Imam Al-Ridha (عليه السلام) that Abi Ja'far (عليه السلام) came and he was about four years old, he
hit his hand on the ground and raised his head towards the sky, thinking for
quite a while, then Al-Ridha (عليه السلام) said to him: "May I be your ransom,
why you thought for so long?" He (عليه السلام) replied: "I was thinking about what
was done to my mother Fatimah (عليها السلام). By Allah! I will take both of them out (i.e. Abu Bakr
and Umar) and I will burn them and then I will disperse them and will leave
their ashes to the wind." Imam Al-Ridha (عليه السلام) called him to himself and kissed his
forehead and said: "May my father and mother be your ransom" and then
said: "You are the one for it" i.e. deserves Imamate.
Source: Ithbatul Wasiyyah, Pg. 218
Sheikh As-Saduq:
2 - Narrated to us Muhammad bin Ahmad Shaibani (r.a.): Narrated to us
Muhammad bin Abi Abdullah Kufi from Sahl bin Ziyad Adami from Abdul Azeem bin
Abdullah Hasani that he said:
“I said to His Eminence, Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn Musa: We hope that you would
be the Qaim of the Progeny of the House of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.), who would fill
the earth with justice and equity just as it would fraught with injustice and
oppression. He replied: O Abal Qasim, none of us Imams are but Qaim by the
command of Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, and we are the guides towards the
religion of Allah. But the Qaim through whom the Almighty Allah would purify
the earth from the infidels and apostates and who would fill up the earth with
justice and equity is the one whose birth shall remain concealed for the people
and whose person would remain unseen by the people and pronouncing whose name
would be unlawful. His name and agnomen shall be the same as that of the
Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) and he is the one for whom the earth would wrap itself and
every hardship would become easy for him. His companions numbering same as the
fighters of Badr would gather around him from far off places of the earth. And
that is the meaning of the verse:
أَيْنَ مَا تَكُونُواْ يَ أْتِ بِكُمُ اللّهُ جَمِيعًا إِنَّ اللّهَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ
“Wherever you are, Allah will bring you all together;
surely Allah has
power over all things.”[2:148]
Thus when this number gathers around him, the Almighty Allah would reveal
his matter. And when the number of his helpers reach 2000, he would, by the
permission of Allah set out in pursuit of the enemies of Allah in order to please
the Almighty.” Abdul Azeem says: I asked His Eminence: “My master, how would he
know that the Almighty Allah is pleased with him?” He replied: “Allah would
instill mercy into his heart. Thus when he enters Medina, he would bring out the
Laat and Uzza(i.e. Abu Bakr and Umar) and burn them up.”
Source: Kamaluddin, Pg. 351-352
Imam Al-Mahdi(عليه السلام):
Allamah Al-Majlisi:
131- Muntakhabul Basair: It is narrated in Sultanul
Mufarraj An Eiman by Sayyid Jalil Bahauddin Ali bin Abdul Karim Hasani
from Ali bin Mahziyar directly that:
Once he was asleep when he saw that a person was
telling him to go for Hajj that year and that he would be granted the honor
of meeting the Master of the Age and in this regard he narrated a lengthy tradition
and which he said:
“O Mahziyar, when peace will be destroyed and the
Maghribi will start moving, the Abbaside will set out and allegiance will
be paid to Sufyani, the Wali of Allah will get the permission to reappear and
I will rise up with 313 companions from Safa and Marwah. Then I will come to
Kufa and raze the Masjid and rebuild it anew on its original foundation
and destroy all the constructions around it that tyrants had undertaken.
And taking those people with me, I will fulfill the
rites of Hajjatul Islam.
From there I will go to Yathrib and demolish the
chambers and take out the two corpses, which will be fresh, and order them to be
hanged on the tree opposite Baqi. As soon as they are hanged on that
tree it will put forth herbage and people will become more devoted to them.
Just then a caller will call: O sky, leave them and O earth swallow them. Then there will remain no one on Earth on that day except
for the pure believers, whose hearts are purified with Imaan.
I said: “My master, what will happen next?”
He replied: “Returning, Returning, Raj’at, Raj’at.”
Then he recited the following verse:
ثُمَّ رَدَدْنَا لَكُمُ الْكَرَّةَ عَلَيْهِمْ وَأَمْدَدْنَاكُم بِأَمْوَالٍ وَبَنِينَ وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ أَكْثَرَ نَفِيرًا
We gave you back the turn to prevail against them, and aided
with wealth and children and made you a numerous band.” [17:6]
I say: I have seen this narration
in that original book too.
Source: Bihaar Al-Anwaar, Vol. 53 Pg. 104-105
At-Tabari Al-Imami:
Narrated Abu Abdullah Mohammad Ibn Sahl
Al-Jaludi from Abul Khayr Ahmad Ibn Mohammad Ibn Ja’far Al-Tahi Al-Kufi in the
mosque of Abi Ibraheem Musa Ibn Ja’far from Mohammad Ibn Al-Hasan Ibn Yahya
Al-Harithi from Ali Ibn Ibraheem Ibn Mahziyaar Al-Ahwazi who said: I set out a
year for pilgrimage, then I entered into Madina and resided there for some
days, searching and asking about Sahib Al-Zaman(عليه السلام),
but I couldn’t get any information about him and I couldn’t see him. I became
very upset and I was afraid that I might not be able to go to pilgrimage due to
the exhaustion in searching for Sahib Al-Zaman(عليه السلام),
so I set out and performed my pilgrimage and I resided there some weeks, all
the time searching for him. Until I busy was thinking that suddenly the door of
Ka’ba opened for me, then I saw a thin, dark man, He was wearing a pleasing fragrance and covered with a sheet and trying
for another sheet. He put one sheet over his shoulder and shook it. I felt
relief and went towards him, he looked at me and said: Where are you from? I said: from Iraq. He asked: where from Iraq?
I said: from Ahwaz. He asked: do you know Al-Hudhayni? I said: yes. He said:
may Allah have mercy on him, he used to pray at nights and fast during the days
and his tears wear flowing. Then he said: Ibn Mahziyaar? I said: that is me. He
said: Allah bless you Abal Hasan, then he shook hand with me and hugged me and
said: O Abal Hasan, Where is the sign that Imam
Hasan Askari (عليه السلام) had given you? I said: it is with me. I took out the ring on which the names of Muhammad and Ali were engraved. When he read it,
he wept so much that the sheet in his hand became wet, he then said: Abu
Muhammad, may Allah have mercy on you. You were the ornament of the Ummah, Allah
glorified you with Imamate and crowned you with the crown of knowledge and wisdom,
verily we are returning to you, then he shook my hand and hugged me and then
said: what do you want O Abal Hasan? I said: I want the hidden Imam from the
world. He said: he is not hidden from you, rather your evil actions has estranged
him from you. Then he said: go back to your quarters and be ready to depart with
me to meet him(عليه
السلام) when the star Jawza inclines and the stars of
the sky appear. I will be waiting for you between Rukn and Maqaam. I was
pleased, because I was sure that Allah has bestowed me this meeting. I was
restlessly waiting for the time to come, I returned to my quarters, waiting, until it was the time, then the man
called me O Abal Hasan. So I set out and met him and he saluted me with Salaam
and said: let’s go brother, we set out crossing the valleys and hills, until we
neared the foothills of Taif. Then he said: O Abal Hasan, let’s pray the rest
of the midnight prayers. We got down and recited the two Rak’ats of Fajr. I
asked: what was then the first two Rak’ats, he said: they were for the midnight
prayers with Watr and Qunut and we prayed all the prayers. Then he said: let’s
go brother. we set out crossing the valleys and hills, until we neared a wide
valley with the fragrance of camphor, I couldn’t see well, then I saw a hair
pitched house that light is coming out from it. He asked me: Can you see
anything? I said: I can see a hair pitched house. He said: we have reached our
destination. And went down the valley, I followed him, until we reached the
middle of the valley, he dismounted and left it there, I got down too, he said:
leave the reins of your beast. I said: How can I leave it just like that? He
said: This is a sanctuary and no one apart from the believers can enter this
place and no one but a believer can leave it. He went ahead of me and went
inside and came back almost immediately and said:Congratulations, you have got
the permission. I entered the room from the corner of which a light was
shining, I saluted him by Imamate, he replied and said: we were waiting for you
day and night, what estranged you from us? I said: O my master! I could not
find anyone who can lead me to you. Imam(عليه السلام) said: "didn't you find anyone to guide you to us?"
then he drew something on the ground and said: "Nay, but it is because you
are busy surplusing your wealth and being harsh towards the weak believers and
breaking ties with your relatives, what other excuse do you have? I said: Repentance!
Repentance! Sorry! Sorry! then Imam(عليه السلام)
said: "O son of Mahziyaar, if it was not for the supplications of some of you for some others
among you, all of you would have been destroyed, except for some of Shia whose
words and actions are in harmony."
Then he said: “O son of Mahziyaar”, stretching his hand, “don’t you want
me to give you the signs? When the child sits and Al-Maghribi moves and
Al-Umani sets out and allegiance will be
paid to Sufyani, the Wali of Allah will get the permission to reappear and I
will rise up with 313 companions from Safa and Marwah. Then I will come to Kufa
and raze the Masjid and rebuild it anew on its original foundation
and destroy all the constructions around it that tyrants had undertaken.
And taking those people with me, I will perform Hajj that
is Hajj of Islam.
From there I will go to Yathrib(i.e. Madina) and
demolish the chambers and take out the two corpses(of Abi Bakr and Umar), which
will be fresh, and order them to be hanged on the tree opposite Baqi. As soon as
they are hanged on that tree it will put forth
herbage and people will fall into Fitna and test and become
more devoted to them. Just then a caller will call from the sky: O sky, leave
them and O earth swallow them. Then there will remain no one on Earth on that
day except for the pure believers, whose hearts are purified with Imaan.
I said: “My master, what will happen next?”
He replied: “Returning, Returning, Raj’at, Raj’at.”
Then he recited the following verse:
ثُمَّ رَدَدْنَا لَكُمُ الْكَرَّةَ عَلَيْهِمْ وَأَمْدَدْنَاكُم بِأَمْوَالٍ وَبَنِينَ وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ أَكْثَرَ نَفِيرًا
We gave you back the turn to prevail against them, and aided
with wealth and children and made you a numerous band.” [17:6]
Source: Dalael Al-Imamamah, Pg. 291-292
Sheikh Noori At-Tabarsi:
And it has been narrated also by Sheikh Al-Tusi and Sheikh Al-Saduq and
Abu Ja’far Mohammad Ibn Jarir At-Tabari through reliable chains the story of
meeting of Ali Ibn Ibraheem Ibn Mahziyaar and his journey from Ahwaz to Kufa
and from there to Mecca. And his searching for Imam of the time(عليه
السلام) and finally his meeting in
Tawaf with a young man who takes him near Taef to a house covered with hair and
in it he meets the Imam(عليه السلام).
Source: Al-Najm Al-Thaqib, Vol. 2 Pg. 408
However some
people have tried to cast doubt on the reliability of the story of Ali Ibn
Ibraheem Ibn Mahziyaar that Sheikh Saafi Al-Gulpaygaani answers their
objections in detail in his book: Majmu’atur Rasahil, Vol. 2 Pg. 190-204 and he
proves the reliability of this story.
For those who
want to read further: http://ar.lib.eshia.ir/15239/2/190
As you can see these narrations exceed the criteria of Mustafidh, because Mustafidh is fullfilled with only three chains. These narrations exceed four times of that many. This is only the narrations that are mentioned in the famous hadith collections, if we collect all the Shawahid and supportive narrations in other books and in Tafasir and Ziyaraat, we can claim Ma'nawi Tawatur for this event.
May Allah make us from the helpers of the Imam of our time(عليه السلام) during his Occultation and after his Reappearance.
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