Samstag, 29. April 2017

The Grand Kingdom

بسم الله الواحد القهار


Narrated to us Ya'qub Ibn Yazeed and Mohammad Ibn Al-Husain from Mohammad Ibn Abi Umayr from Ibn Uzayna from Barid Ibn Muawiya from Abi Ja'far(عليه السلام) who said about the statement of Allah, the Exalted, the Supreme: "'Or do they envy the people for what Allah has given them of His grace? [4:54]', we are those who are envied for what Allah has given us of the Imamate from among all the creation of Allah." 

Narrated to us Mohammad Ibn Al-Husain and Ya'qub Ibn Yazeed from Ibn Abi Umayr from Umar Ibn Uzayna from Barid Al-Ijli from Abi Ja'far(عليه السلام) who said about the statement of Allah, the Exaltet, the Supreme: "'But indeed We have given to Ibrahim's children the Book and the wisdom, and We have given them a grand kingdom.[4:54]' and He made us of them, the Messengers, Prophets and the Imams, so how do people accept this about the family of Ibrahim, but they deny it for the family of Mohammad(صلی الله و عليه و آله)?", I said: "so what is the meaning of: 'and We have given them a grand kingdom'?", he said: "the grand kingdom is putting among them Imams  that whoever obeys them, he obeys Allah and whoever disobeys them, he disobeys Allah, so this is the grand kingdom."

Source: Basahir Ad-Darajaat, Pg. 83

Grading: the chains is Sahih(authentic).

Check the narrators in Rijaal section:

2107: Ya'qub Ibn Yazeed Al-Katib Al-Anbari
1624: Mohammad Ibn Al-Husain Ibn Abil Khattab
both from
1538: Mohammad Ibn Abi Umayr Al-Azdi
1316: Umar Ibn Uzayna
270: Barid Ibn Muawiya Al-Ijli

Freitag, 17. März 2017

Those Who Follow Fallibles Have No Religion

بسم الله الواحد القهار

Sheikh At-Tusi:

[My father dictated to us saying] narrated to us Mohammad Ibn Mohammad who said: narrated to us Abu Ghalib Ahmad Ibn Mohammad Az-Zurari who said: narrated to us my uncle Ali Ibn Sulayman who said: narrated to us Mohammad Ibn Khalid At-Tiyalesi who said: narrated to me Al-Alaa Ibn Razin from Mohammad Ibn Muslim Ath-Thaqafi who said:"I heard Aba Ja'far Mohammad Ibn Ali(عليهما السلام) saying: ‘Whoever obeys, considering it a matter of his religion, someone who disobeys Allah, has no religion, and so also is a person who follows what is forged against Allah as well as someone who accepts as a matter of his religion, to reject any of the signs of Allah.’"

Footnote: this narration has also been narrated in Al-Kafi (Vol. 2 Pg. 373) through a Sahih(authentic) chain and Al-Allamah Al-Majlisi says: "'has no religion' means that he has no belief or his worship is not accepted and 'Whoever obeys' means that whoever worships Allah through 'obeying one who disobeys Allah' which refers to obeying fallible human beings, so it is not allowed to obey other than the infallibles in all matters, it has also been said that he who disobeys Allah could be also someone whose verdict is disobedience (to Allah) and is not worthy of issuing Fatwa, the second 'Whoever obeys' means also believing and worshipping Allah through 'what is forged against Allah' means that he makes this forged act as an act of worship or bases his worship upon that fabricated act. 'to reject any of the signs of Allah' means that he rejects any of the decisive verses of Qur'an, and it is also possible that 'the signs' here refer to the Imams(عليهم السلام)."

Source: Amali of At-Tusi, Pg. 130-131

Freitag, 10. Februar 2017

Cursed Are The Murderers Of Fatima(سلام الله عليها)

بسم الله الواحد القهار

Sheikh Al-Karajaki:

And among what has been narrated is that which our Sheikh, the Jurist, Abul Hasan Ibn Shadhaan narrated to us, he said: narrated to me my father, may Allah bless his soul, who said: narrated to us Ibn Al-Walid, Mohammad Ibn Al-Hasan, saying: narrated to us Al-Saffaar from Mohammad Ibn Al-Husain who said: narrated to us Mohammad Ibn Ziyad from Al-Mufaddal Ibn Umar from Yunus Ibn Ya'qub, may Allah be pleased with him, who said: I heard As-Sadiq, Ja'far Ibn Mohammad(عليهما السلام) saying: "Cursed is a body, cursed is the body that is not afflicted in every forty days."
So I said: "cursed?" He said: "yes, cursed", so when he saw that it was difficult for me to accept, he said: "O Yunus, among the afflictions could be also a scar, a thrust, a mistake, a misfortune and poverty, being away from home and so on. O Yunus, a believer is honored by Allah more than that to leave him forty days and does not clean his sins, even by afflicting him with a little sadness, that he might not even know where that sadness comes from and even some of you might receive some money but thinks that some of it is missing, so he becomes sad, but later he finds out that nothing was missing, and that would wash away some of his sins. O Yunus, cursed is a person, cursed is he who harms his neighbor, cursed is a person, cursed is he who when his brother offers him a compromise/peace he does not accept it, cursed is a person, cursed is he who is a reciter of Qur'an yet insists on drinking alcohol, cursed is a person, cursed is he who is a scholar yet serves a tyrannt ruler, assisting him in his oppression, cursed is a person, cursed is he who is a hater of Ali Ibn Abi Talib(عليه السلام), because he can't hate him unless he hates the Messenger of Allah(صلی الله وعليه وآله) and whoever hates the Messenger of Allah(صلی الله وعليه وآله), Allah curses him in this world and hereafter. Cursed is a person, cursed is he who accuses a believer of being a disbeliever, and if a person accuses a believer of disbelief it is as if he has murdered him. Cursed is a woman, cursed is she who angers her husband and makes him sad, and blessed is a woman, blessed is she who respects her husband and does not anger him and obeys him in all his affairs. 
O Yunus, my grandfather the Messenger of Allah(صلی الله وعليه وآله) said: 'Cursed is the person, cursed is he who oppresses my daughter Fatima(سلام الله عليها) after me and usurps her right and murders her.' He then said: 'O Fatima, glad tidings for you, for there is a high rank for you in front of Allah, you will intercede with that position for those who love you and for your Shia and Allah will accept your intercession. O Fatima, if every Prophet(عليهم السلام) that Allah has sent and every Angel that Allah has given a high rank intercede for every person who hates you, who has usurped your right, Allah will never take him out of the Hellfire.' 
Cursed is a person, cursed is he who cuts his kin relations, cursed is a person, cursed is he who confirms sorcery, cursed is a person, cursed is he who says that Imaan is just proclaiming it without doing good deeds, cursed is a person, cursed is he whom Allah has given wealth, but he refuses to give charity. Have you not heard that the Prophet(صلی الله وعليه وآله) said: 'Giving one dirham alms is superior to ten nights of prayers'? Cursed is a person, cursed is he who beats his father or mother. Cursed is a person, cursed is he who has been disinherited/disclaimed by his parents, cursed is a person, cursed is he who does not respect the mosque. O Yunus, do you know that Allah has given mosques a high honor and has revealed this verse: 'And the mosques are only for Allah, so pray not unto anyone along with Allah[72:18]', the jews and the christians used to consider others as gods beside Allah, so Allah, the Exalted, ordered his Prophet(صلی الله وعليه وآله) to believe only in one God and worship Him only."  

Source: Kanzul Fawahid, Vol. 1 Pg. 149-151

Grading: Sahih(authentic).
For more information read the response of Sayyed Sadiq Ar-Rohani below.

Sayyed Sadiq Ar-Rohani: 

598: About the oppressors of Az-Zahra(سلام الله عليها)?

Question: Al-Karajaki has narrated in his book Kanzul Fawahid, Vol. 1 Pg. 149-150 from Abul Hasan Ibn Shadhaan from his father from Mohammad Ibn Al-Hasan Ibn Al-Walid from Mohammad Ibn Al-Husain Al-Saffaar from Mohammad Ibn Ziyad from Mufaddal Ibn Umar from Yunus Ibn Ya'qub from As-Sadiq(عليه السلام) who said in a long narration: "O Yunus, my grandfather the Messenger of Allah(صلی الله وعليه وآله) said: 'Cursed is the person, cursed is he who oppresses my daughter Fatima(سلام الله عليها) after me and usurps her right and murders her.'"

Is the chain of this narration authentic?

Response: There is nothing wrong with the authenticity of its chain, because Al-Mufaddhal Ibn Umar has been considered trustworthy by Sheikh Al-Mufid in his book Al-Irshaad and he has praised him and Al-Kashi has narrated many narrations in his praise that indicates his high status and deputyship, and trustworthiness, as the author of Al-Wasahil mentions and there is no need to mention the sources in detail about this issue, you should refer to sources like Bihar and what the opponents have narrated through reliable chains with clear content that are not hidden from even the blind one, let alone those who can see.

Source:  Alf Fatwa Wa Suhal Fi At-Taqlid Wal Aqaed, Pg. 323.

Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2017

Someone Without A Rightful Imam

بسم الله الواحد القهار

يَوْمَ نَدْعُو كُلَّ أُنَاسٍ بِإِمَامِهِمْ ۖ فَمَنْ أُوتِيَ كِتَابَهُ بِيَمِينِهِ فَأُولَٰئِكَ يَقْرَءُونَ كِتَابَهُمْ وَلَا يُظْلَمُونَ فَتِيلًا
The day when We will call every people with their Imam; then whoever is given his book in his right hand, these shall read their book; and they shall not be dealt with a whit unjustly. [17:71]

Sheikh Hadi An-Najafi:

Al-Kulayni: From Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Muhammad ibn al-Husayn from Safwan ibn Yahya from al-‘Ala’ ibn Razin from Muhammad ibn Muslim who has said the following:
“I heard abu Ja'far(عليه السلام) saying, ‘Whoever worships Allah, the Majestic, the Glorious, with the expectation for reward, and works hard but without having an Imam for himself, his efforts will not find acceptance.
Such person is lost and is straying and Allah dislikes his deeds. The example of such person is like that of a lost sheep who strays away from the herd. She wanders around during the day and at nightfall she finds a different flock of sheep with a shepherd and she gladly and affectionately joins it thinking it to be like her own flock. She passes the night in their barn but does not recognize her flock and the shepherd, and begins to wander in search for her own flock and shepherd. She finds a flock and a shepherd rushes to the flock with great interest but the shepherd shouts, ‘Go to your own flock and shepherd; you are lost and wandering.’ She then runs back and forth, lost and wandering without a shepherd to show her the grazing areas and the barn. At such time a wolf seizes the opportunity and kills her for food. Just the same is the case, by Allah, O Muhammad, of those people of this ‘Ummah (nation) who have no Imam from Allah, the Most Holy, the Most High, who is in public and possesses the noble quality of justice. Such people are lost and straying. If such people, in such a condition, die their death will be like that of an unbeliever and hypocrite. O Muhammad, take notice that all unjust Imams and their followers are far away from the religion of Allah. They have lost the right path and have misled the others. Their deeds are like dust blown away by the winds in a stormy day. They will remain helpless and unable to benefit from their deeds. Such is straying far away from the right path.’”

Grading: the chain of the narration is Sahih(authentic).

Source: Mawsu'atu Ahadith Ahlulbayt(عليهم السلام), Vol. 6 Pg. 7

Sonntag, 8. Januar 2017

A Person Without An Imam Appointed By Allah

بسم الله الواحد القهار

Sheikh Hadi An-Najafi:

Al-Kulayni narrated from a number of our scholars from Ahmad Ibn Mohammad Ibn Khalid from Ibn Abi Nasr from Abil Hasan ( عليه السلام ) about the statement of Allah, Mighty and Majestic: "And who is more erring than he who follows his low desires without any guidance from Allah?" He said: "It refers to a person who takes his own opinion as his religion without  ( taking guidance from) an Imam from the Imams of Guidance."

Grading: its chain is Sahih (authentic).

Source: Mawsu'atu Ahadith Ahlalbayt( عليهم السلام ), Vol. 12 Pg. 24