بسم الله الواحد القهار
Sheikh As-Saduq:
Narrated to us my father from Sa'd Ibn Abdullah from Al-Haytham Ibn Abi Masruq An-Nahadi from Al-Husain Ibn Alwaan from Amr Ibn Thabit from his father from Sa'd Ibn Turayf from Al-Asbagh Ibn Nabatah who said:
One day Amirul-Muminin(عليه السلام) said on the pulpit in Kufa: "I am the Master of the Vicegerents and the Vicegerent of the Master of the Prophets, I am the Imam of the Muslims and the Leader of the Pious, and the Master of the Believers, and the Husband of the Chief of the Woman of the Worlds, I am the one who wears the Ring in his right hand, I am the one who has callosity on his forehead, I am the one who migrated Two Migrations, and paid Two Allegiances, I am the man of Badr and Hunain, I am the one who fought with Two Swords, and I am the Rider of Two Horses, I am the Heir of the Knowledge of the First Era and the Proof of Allah upon His creatures after the Prophets and after Mohammad Ibn Abdullah(صلی الله وعليه وآله وسلم), the Seal of the Prophets, the people who submitt to my guardianship are blessed and people who carry enmity towards me are cursed, and verily my beloved friend, the Messenger of Allah(صلی الله وعليه وآله وسلم) used to tell me very often: 'O Ali, the love towards you is Piety and Imaan and the hatred against you is Kufr and Hypocrisy, I am the House of Wisdom and you are its Entry, and lies he who claims to have love for me while he hates you.' and Blessings of Allah be upon Mohammad and his pure family."
Grading: Muwath'thaq, its narrators are trustworthy.
Check Rijaal section for the following narrators:
1231, 809, 2049, 566, 1336, 314, 808, 224
Source: Al-Amaali of As-Saduq, S. 7, H-No. 2 Pg. 30