Montag, 19. Mai 2014

Feeling guilty about Cursing the enemies of Ahlulbayt(عليهم السلام)

بسم الله الواحد القهار


Shaikh Hurr al Ameli:

As for the ahadith (about cursing) they are too many to be counted, so one who wishes to pursue them should refer to the books of ahadith dealing with the Islamic laws. In fact, he should consult the books of ahadith on aqa'ed (beliefs) and others too, for indeed about most, if not all obligatory practices, the one who abandons it has been cursed; and about most, if not all haram acts, the perfomer of it has been cursed. And about the most of correct beliefs, the one who rejects them has been cursed and decreed a disbeliever; and about most of the corrupt beliefs, the owner of it has been cursed and decreed a disbeliever.

As about the cursing of those who proceeded ahead {of Amural-Muminin(عليه السلام)i.e. Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman{, as well as those who waged war against him (such as Ayesha, Talha, Zubair, Muawiyah, Khawarij etc), curse has been issued on them in so many ahadith that they are too many to be counted, and the integration of the reasons in them to be cursed and more than that, is just too obvious to be a secret. This has been reported through the narrations of even the Sunni scholars, let alone the narrations of the shia. As well as the cursing of everyone who rejects/opposes the imamah, and cursing of Bani Umayyah, and the Sufis in general as well as in particular. 

The trustworthy and honorable Shaikh, Umar Ibn Abdul-Aziz al Kashi has reported in the book of Rijal from Muhammad Ibn Qulawey and Al-Hussain Ibn Al-Hasan Ibn Bandar Al-Qumi, both from Sa'd Ibn Abdullah from Ibrahim Ibn Mahzyar and Muhamad Ibn Isa, from Ali Ibn Mahzyar, from Imam al Jawad (عليه السلام), who said: The Prophet ( صلی الله و عليه و آله وسلم) said: "Whoever considers it a sin (i.e. hesitates) to curse those who are cursed by Allah, then curse of Allah be upon him.

This noble hadith is Sahih in terms of its chain and completely explicit in its meaning. The emphasis and overstatement in this hadith along with the Qur'anic verses presented earlier (about cursing), is a hujjah upon the one who ponders on that. And it has been reported in so many reliable ahadith that Wilayah of the Prophet (صلی الله و عليه و آله وسلم) and the Imams (عليهم السلام) is not accepted, except through Tabarrah(declaring disassociation) from their enemies; and it is obligatory to be hostile towards Kuffar and the public sinners, and it is haram to love them and befriend them.

Source: Fawaid al Tusiya, pg. 515-516

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